Tuesday, July 7, 2009

mold making and casting process - lil' air jordan XIII

Huge capital outlay from the investment of mold making and casting resin. The essentials are: -
1. RTV Silicone Rubber AB 100: 3 by weight
2. Silicone Release
3. Epoxy resin n hardener
4. lightweight glass powder
5. modelling clay for 2 piece molding
6. vacuum pump (spoilt)
7. others e.g. glove, mask, paper cups

Mold Making using modelling clay as base for 2 piece molds

Upper and lower part of the lil' air jordan XIII mold.

Casting of lil' air jordan XIII using epoxy resin 1:1 mix ratio with the help of Vitagen container to pour through a small hole.

After about 6 hours, the cast is set. it was easy for the upper and lower molds to be seperated as Silicone Release agent was applied earlier before pouring in the casting resin.

some residue is remained attached to the casted lill' air jordan XIII.

After some cleanup and sanding, lil' air jordan XIII is ready for painting. to be continued...

After painting...different color scheme.

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Wall drawing - retro bicycle

Call me should you interested to decorate your room with nice and simple monogram drawing.

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

S F L 宅

The design of this building is based on my initial: S.F.L.

Monday, May 4, 2009

rendering with SketchUp X Podium

SketchUp6.0 是一套直接面向设计方案创作过程的设计工具,其创作过程不仅能够充分表达设计师的思想而且完全满足与客户即时交流的需要,与设计师用手工绘制构思草图的过程很相似,是目前为数不多的直接面向设计过程的设计工具,它使得设计师可以直接在电脑上进行十分直观的构思,随着构思的不断清晰,细节不断增加,这样设计师可以最大限度地减少机械重复劳动和控制设计成果的准确性.

您可以真实逼真的渲染谷歌SketchUp模型,达到照片级效果,而不需要痛苦和失望的学习一个复杂的程序。Podium从开始到完成完全在Google Sketchup中运行,它使用SketchUp的功能,如纹理,背景颜色,团体和阴影,它还支持alpha通道,透明贴图,具有免费的植物组件库,批量渲染所有页面,实现令人瞩目的成果.

Studio Junction Inc.'s Courtyard House

Though some architects choose to go ahead and prove the skeptics wrong, others resolve this dilemma by limiting their far-out ideas to the interior or rear elevation. Still others—like Christine Ho Ping Kong and Peter Tan—bypass the neighbor issue by seeking out building sites that are concealed from the public eye. Ho Ping Kong and Tan designed their first home on a back alley in Toronto, where they could pursue their ideas without compromising their vision of a perfect place for their young family.
When Ho Ping Kong and Tan found their site 
back in 2001, it held a building you could literally back a truck into: a contractor’s warehouse with 
a storage yard. Yet the two-story concrete-block structure seemed like the perfect place to begin. “Here, you don’t have to conform with the facades of the street,” Ho Ping Kong says. And the building itself “was so elemental—a block and an empty space,” Tan says. “It was perfect. We weren’t paying for things we didn’t want to use and we could experiment with all our crazy ideas.”
The two were following in a local tradition of “laneway housing.” Since the late 1980s, some of Toronto’s most creative architects have been finding sites on laneways—back alleys—on which to build houses, coming up with inventive ways to achieve privacy and space in these cramped quarters. Ho Ping Kong and Tan wanted to push that effort to an extreme with a house totally sealed off from the street, where all the windows looked inward.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

fukusu work shop

Some of the must-have tools: -

1. Dremel
2. Jigsaw
3. Vice
4. Safety goggle
5. Staple gun
6. glue gun
7. planner
8. mini-broom
9. WD40
10. Gloves

wooden chair

From Sketch to SketchUp model; From SketchUp model to actual chair built.

lil' air jordan XIII


This is my 4th fukusu

Actual shoe pic

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

lil' air jordan XI

My 2nd fukusu - Air Jordan XI